function (content, measure, analysis, year, pmid, sortby, lefthand, righthand, type, independent_variable, cofactorlabel, topic, label_location, theme) { if (length(sortby) == 0 || sortby == "sortby") { sortby = "none" } first.row <- substr(content, 1, regexpr("\n", content)) num.columns <- str_count(first.row, ",") num.cofactors <- num.columns - 8 temp <- content temp <- gsub("\r", " ", fixed = TRUE, temp) temp <- gsub("\n", " ", fixed = TRUE, temp) temp <- gsub("\t", " ", fixed = TRUE, temp) temp <- gsub(",", "\",\"", fixed = TRUE, temp) temp <- paste("\"", temp, "\"", sep = "") temp <- paste("Mymatrix <- matrix(c(", temp, "), ncol=", num.columns, ", byrow=TRUE)") x <- eval(parse(file = "", n = NULL, text = temp)) first.row.header <- FALSE if ([1, 2])) == TRUE) { first.row.header <- TRUE } if (first.row.header == TRUE) { x <- x[-c(1), ] } x <- x[!([, 2])) == TRUE), ] column.names <- c("Study", "year", "pmid", "registration", "exp_events", "exp_total", "control_events", "control_total") for (i in 1:num.cofactors) { column.names <- append(column.names, paste("cofactor", i, sep = "")) } dimnames(x) <- list(NULL, column.names) myframe <- data.frame(x) myframe <- na.omit(myframe) remove(x) myframe$Study <- gsub("'", "", fixed = TRUE, myframe$Study) myframe$Study <- as.character(str_trim(myframe$Study)) myframe$year <- as.numeric(as.character(str_trim(myframe$year))) myframe$pmid <- as.numeric(as.character(str_trim(myframe$pmid))) myframe$registration <- as.character(str_trim(myframe$registration)) myframe$registration <- ifelse(toupper(myframe$registration) %in% c("NO"), "Registration: no", ifelse(toupper(myframe$registration) %in% c("NA", ""), "Registration: unknown", "Registration: yes")) if (type == "subgroup.registration") { myframe$cofactor <- myframe$registration } if (type == "subgroup1" || independent_variable == "cf1") { myframe$cofactor <- myframe$cofactor1 } if (type == "subgroup2" || independent_variable == "cf2") { myframe$cofactor <- myframe$cofactor2 } if (type == "subgroup3" || independent_variable == "cf3") { myframe$cofactor <- myframe$cofactor3 } if (type == "subgroup4" || independent_variable == "cf4") { myframe$cofactor <- myframe$cofactor4 } if (type == "subgroup5" || independent_variable == "cf5") { myframe$cofactor <- myframe$cofactor5 } if (type == "subgroup6" || independent_variable == "cf6") { myframe$cofactor <- myframe$cofactor6 } if (type == "subgroup7" || independent_variable == "cf7") { myframe$cofactor <- myframe$cofactor7 } if (type == "subgroup8" || independent_variable == "cf8") { myframe$cofactor <- myframe$cofactor8 } if (type == "subgroup9" || independent_variable == "cf9") { myframe$cofactor <- myframe$cofactor9 } if (type == "subgroup10" || independent_variable == "cf10") { myframe$cofactor <- myframe$cofactor10 } PosParenth1 <- regexpr("(", myframe$exp_events[1], fixed = TRUE) if (PosParenth1 > 0) { PosParenth1 <- regexpr("(", myframe$exp_events, fixed = TRUE) PosParenth2 <- regexpr(")", myframe$exp_events, fixed = TRUE) myframe$exp_mean <- as.numeric(substring(myframe$exp_events, 1, PosParenth1 - 1)) myframe$exp_sd <- as.numeric(substring(myframe$exp_events, PosParenth1 + 1, PosParenth2 - 1)) PosParenth1 <- regexpr("(", myframe$control_events, fixed = TRUE) PosParenth2 <- regexpr(")", myframe$control_events, fixed = TRUE) myframe$control_mean <- as.numeric(substring(myframe$control_events, 1, PosParenth1 - 1)) myframe$control_sd <- as.numeric(substring(myframe$control_events, PosParenth1 + 1, PosParenth2 - 1)) } else { myframe$exp_events <- as.numeric(as.character(str_trim(myframe$exp_events))) myframe$control_events <- as.numeric(as.character(str_trim(myframe$control_events))) } myframe$exp_total <- as.numeric(as.character(str_trim(myframe$exp_total))) myframe$control_total <- as.numeric(as.character(str_trim(myframe$control_total))) if (sortby == "weight") { sortvalue <- NULL } if (sortby == "cofactor1") { sortvalue <- myframe$cofactor1 } if (sortby == "cofactor2") { sortvalue <- myframe$cofactor2 } if (sortby == "cofactor3") { sortvalue <- myframe$cofactor3 } if (sortby == "cofactor4") { sortvalue <- myframe$cofactor4 } if (sortby == "cofactor5") { sortvalue <- myframe$cofactor5 } if (sortby == "cofactor6") { sortvalue <- myframe$cofactor6 } if (sortby == "cofactor7") { sortvalue <- myframe$cofactor7 } if (sortby == "cofactor8") { sortvalue <- myframe$cofactor8 } if (sortby == "cofactor9") { sortvalue <- myframe$cofactor9 } if (sortby == "cofactor10") { sortvalue <- myframe$cofactor10 } if (sortby == "baseline") { if (PosParenth1 > 0) { sortvalue <- myframe$control_mean } else { sortvalue <- myframe$control_events/myframe$control_total } } if (sortby == "year") { sortvalue <- myframe$year } if (sortby == "study") { sortvalue <- myframe$Study } for (i in 1:length(myframe$Study)) { if (myframe$exp_events[i] == 0 & myframe$control_events[i] == 0) { } } attach(myframe) KUBlue = "#0022B4" SkyBlue = "#6DC6E7" pubbiastext = "Test for funnel plot asymmetry" if (analysis == "RE-Knapp-Hartung") { hartung = TRUE fixed = FALSE Random = TRUE analyticmethod = "Random effects model (Hartung-Knapp)" } else if (analysis == "RE") { hartung = FALSE fixed = FALSE Random = TRUE analyticmethod = "Random effects model" } else { hartung = FALSE fixed = TRUE Random = FALSE analyticmethod = "Fixed effects model" } if (type == "ignore") { if (measure %in% c("ROM", "MD", "SMD")) { meta1 <- metacont(exp_total, exp_mean, exp_sd, control_total, control_mean, control_sd, data = myframe, sm = measure, hakn = hartung, tau.common = TRUE, studlab = paste(Study, ", ", year, sep = "")) if (measure == "MD") { xlimits = "s" } else { xlimits = c(-2, 2) } if (length(myframe$Study) > 9) { pubbias = metabias(meta1, method.bias = "linreg", plotit = FALSE) pubbiastext = paste(pubbiastext, " (Egger): p= ", round(pubbias$p.value, 3), sep = "") } else { pubbiastext = paste(pubbiastext, ": too few studies to test", sep = "") } } else { meta1 <- metabin(exp_events, exp_total, control_events, control_total, data = myframe, sm = measure, hakn = hartung, tau.common = TRUE, method = "Inverse", level = 0.95, incr = "TA", digits = 2, = 2, allstudies = TRUE, studlab = paste(Study, ", ", year, sep = "")) xlimits = c(0.1, 10) if (length(myframe$Study) > 5) { <- metabin(exp_events, exp_total, control_events, control_total, data = myframe, sm = "ASD", method = "I") pubbias = metabias(, plotit = FALSE, k.min = 6) pubbiastext = paste(pubbiastext, " (Rucker): p= ", round(pubbias$p.value, 3), " (may be falsely significant if < 10 studies)", sep = "") } else { pubbiastext = paste(pubbiastext, ": too few studies to test", sep = "") } } if (sortby == "weight") { sortvalue <- 1/meta1$w.random } meta::forest(meta1, sortvalue = sortvalue, xlim = xlimits, col.diamond = "blue", col.diamond.lines = "blue", title = topic, fixed = FALSE, common = FALSE, random = TRUE, resid.hetstat = TRUE, addrows = 2, = TRUE, print.tau2 = FALSE, print.p = FALSE, label.left = lefthand, label.right = righthand, text.random = analyticmethod, fs.random = 12, ff.random = 1, ff.hetstat = 2, fs.hetstat = 12) grid.text(topic, 0.5, 0.97, gp = gpar(fontsize = 14, fontface = "bold")) grid.text(pubbiastext, 0.1, 0.02, hjust = 0, gp = gpar(fontsize = 12, fontface = "bold")) } if (grepl("subgroup", type)) { myframe$cofactor <- gsub("'", "", fixed = TRUE, myframe$cofactor) myframe$cofactor <- as.character(str_trim(myframe$cofactor)) if (measure %in% c("ROM", "MD", "SMD")) { meta1 <- metacont(exp_total, exp_mean, exp_sd, control_total, control_mean, control_sd, tau.common = TRUE, data = myframe, sm = measure, print.tau2 = FALSE, hakn = hartung, studlab = paste(Study, ", ", year, sep = ""), label.left = lefthand, label.right = righthand, title = topic, subgroup = myframe$cofactor, = FALSE) if (measure == "MD") { xlimits = "s" } else { xlimits = c(-2, 2) } if (length(myframe$Study) > 9) { meta1.egger <- metacont(exp_total, exp_mean, exp_sd, control_total, control_mean, control_sd, tau.common = TRUE, data = myframe, print.tau2 = FALSE, sm = measure) pubbias = metabias(meta1.egger, method.bias = "linreg", plotit = FALSE) pubbiastext = paste(pubbiastext, " (Egger): p= ", round(pubbias$p.value, 3), sep = "") } else { pubbiastext = paste(pubbiastext, ": too few studies to test", sep = "") } } else { meta1 <- metabin(exp_events, exp_total, control_events, control_total, tau.common = TRUE, data = myframe, sm = measure, method = "Inverse", hakn = hartung, level = 0.95, incr = "TA", allstudies = TRUE, studlab = paste(Study, ", ", year, sep = ""), label.left = lefthand, label.right = righthand, title = topic, subgroup = myframe$cofactor, = FALSE) xlimits = c(0.1, 10) if (length(myframe$Study) > 9) { <- metabin(exp_events, exp_total, control_events, control_total, tau.common = TRUE, data = myframe, sm = "ASD", method = "I") pubbias = metabias(, plotit = FALSE) pubbiastext = paste(pubbiastext, " (Rucker): p= ", round(pubbias$p.value, 3), sep = "") } else { pubbiastext = paste(pubbiastext, ": too few studies to test", sep = "") } } if (sortby == "weight") { sortvalue <- 1/meta1$w.random } forest(meta1, sortvalue = sortvalue, col.diamond = "blue", col.diamond.lines = "blue", fixed = FALSE, common = FALSE, random = TRUE, subgroup = TRUE, print.Q.subgroup = FALSE, print.pval.Q = TRUE, resid.hetstat = TRUE, addrows = 2, = TRUE, print.tau2 = FALSE, print.Q = FALSE, print.p = FALSE, label.left = lefthand, label.right = righthand, text.random = analyticmethod, fs.random = 12, ff.random = 1, ff.hetstat = 2, fs.hetstat = 12) grid.text(topic, 0.5, 0.97, gp = gpar(fontsize = 14, fontface = "bold")) grid.text(pubbiastext, 0.1, 0.04, hjust = 0, gp = gpar(fontsize = 12, fontface = "bold")) } if (type == "metaregression") { if (independent_variable == "year") { myframe$x <- as.numeric(myframe$year) } else { if (independent_variable == "size") { myframe$x <- as.numeric(myframe$exp_total) + as.numeric(myframe$control_total) } else { if (independent_variable == "size") { myframe$x <- as.numeric(myframe$exp_total) + as.numeric(myframe$control_total) } else { if (independent_variable == "cr" | independent_variable == "tr") { } else { myframe$x <- as.numeric(as.character(str_trim(myframe$cofactor))) } } } } attach(myframe) if (measure %in% c("MD", "SMD")) { if (independent_variable == "cr") { myframe$x <- myframe$control_mean } if (independent_variable == "tr") { myframe$x <- myframe$exp_total/myframe$control_total } myframe[order(myframe$x, na.last = NA), ] myframe <- na.omit(myframe) dat <- escalc(measure = "MD", m1i = exp_mean, sd1i = exp_sd, n1i = exp_total, m2i = control_mean, sd2i = control_sd, n2i = control_total, data = myframe) res <- rma.uni(yi, vi, mods = ~myframe$x, method = "DL", knha = TRUE, data = dat, intercept = TRUE) ylabel = "Mean difference" } else { if (independent_variable == "cr") { myframe$x <- myframe$control_events/myframe$control_total } if (independent_variable == "tr") { myframe$x <- myframe$exp_total/myframe$control_total } myframe[order(myframe$x, na.last = NA), ] myframe <- na.omit(myframe) dat <- escalc(measure = "OR", ai = exp_events, bi = exp_total - exp_events, ci = control_events, di = control_total - control_events, data = myframe) res <- rma(yi, vi, mods = ~myframe$x, data = dat) ylabel = "Odds ratio transformed to natural log (ln)" } cofactor.range = seq(min(myframe$x), max(myframe$x), (max(myframe$x) - min(myframe$x))/100) preds <- predict(res, newmods = cofactor.range) preds <- data.frame(cofactor.range, preds$pred, preds$, preds$ci.ub) wi <- 1/sqrt(dat$vi) size <- 0.5 + 3 * (wi - min(wi))/(max(wi) - min(wi)) plot(dat$x, dat$yi, pch = 19, cex = size, cex.lab = 1.5, font.axis = 2, xlab = "", ylab = ylabel, main = paste("Meta-regression of ", topic), xlim = c(min(dat$x) - 0.1 * (max(dat$x) - min(dat$x)), max(dat$x) + 0.1 * (max(dat$x) - min(dat$x))), ylim = c(min(dat$yi), max(dat$yi) + 0.15 * (max(dat$yi) - min(dat$yi))), las = 1, bty = "l") if (cofactorlabel != "") { mtext(side = 1, line = 2.25, paste("Cofactor: ", cofactorlabel), font = 2, cex = 1.5) } lines(preds$cofactor.range, preds$preds.pred) lines(preds$cofactor.range, preds$, lty = "dashed", col = "blue") lines(preds$cofactor.range, preds$, lty = "dashed", col = "blue") text(par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4] - 1.2 * strheight("A"), cex = 1, adj = c(1, 0), paste("R2 = ", round(res$R2), "% (QM = ", sprintf(res$QM, fmt = "%#.1f"), ", p = ", sprintf(res$pval[2], fmt = "%#.3f"), ")", sep = ""), font = 1) text(par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4] - 1.2 * strheight("A") - 1.4 * strheight("A"), cex = 1, adj = c(1, 0), paste("Regression coefficient = ", sprintf(res$b[2], fmt = "%#.1f"), sep = ""), font = 1) text(par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4] - 1.2 * strheight("A") - 2.8 * strheight("A"), cex = 1, adj = c(1, 0), paste("Residual I2 = ", sprintf(res$I2, fmt = "%#.1f"), "%", sep = ""), font = 1) abline(h = 0, lty = "dotted") if (label_location > 0) { text(dat$x, dat$yi, paste(dat$Study, ", ", dat$year, sep = ""), cex = 0.9, pos = label_location, offset = 1, col = dat$color) } legend("topleft", adj = 0, xjust = 1, inset = c(0, 0), c("Regression line", "95% Confidence\ninterval"), pch = NULL, = "white", bty = "n", border = "white", lty = c("solid", "dashed"), col = c("black", "blue")) } if (type == "funnel") { if (measure %in% c("ROM", "MD", "SMD")) { meta1 <- metacont(exp_total, exp_mean, exp_sd, control_total, control_mean, control_sd, data = myframe, sm = measure, hakn = hartung, studlab = paste(Study, ", ", year, sep = ""), label.left = lefthand, label.right = righthand, title = topic, subgroup = myframe$cofactor, = FALSE) } else { meta1 <- metabin(exp_events, exp_total, control_events, control_total, data = myframe, sm = measure, method = "Inverse", tau.common = TRUE, hakn = hartung, level = 0.95, incr = "TA", allstudies = TRUE, studlab = paste(Study, ", ", year, sep = ""), label.left = lefthand, label.right = righthand, title = topic, subgroup = myframe$cofactor, = FALSE) } funnel(meta1, common = TRUE) if (length(meta1$studlab) > 5) { <- metabin(exp_events, exp_total, control_events, control_total, tau.common = TRUE, data = myframe, sm = "ASD", method = "I") pubbias = metabias(, plotit = FALSE, k.min = 6) pubbiastext = paste(pubbiastext, ":\np (Rucker) = ", round(pubbias$p.value, 3), " (may be falsely significant if < 10 studies)", sep = "") } else { pubbiastext = paste(pubbiastext, ":\ntoo few studies to test", sep = "") } grid.text(topic, 0.5, 0.97, gp = gpar(fontsize = 14, fontface = "bold")) grid.text(pubbiastext, 0.125, 0.8, hjust = 0, gp = gpar(fontsize = 12, fontface = "bold")) } }